Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Unveiled 80x30cm


Beauty and truth are usually more charming unveiled! Although there are people conservative enough, who prefer both covered up; with beauty it is half as bad (because nothing can really hide it), with truth is, covering it up, just a crime.[A.R.]

Monday, February 17, 2014

once upon a time the Minoan Greeks in Crete (3000 - 1300 B.C.) - tribute 60x40cm

Ταυροκαθάψια, ήταν άθλημα της μινωικής εποχής (3000 - 1300 B.C.), στο οποίο ο αθλητής εκτελούσε άλματα πάνω από έναν ταύρο. Έχουν βρεθεί αρκετές τέτοιου είδους παραστάσεις στην Κρήτη (σε τοιχογραφίες, αγαλματίδια και σφραγίδες) όπως και σε άλλα μέρη της Ελλάδας (στην Πύλος και στην Τίρυνθα) και στη Μικρά Ασία (στη Σμύρνη).[Α.Ρ.]

Bull-leaping (also taurokathapsia), was a ritual acrobatic sport of the Minoan era (3000 - 1300 B.C.). During the ritual the athlete conducted leaps over a bull. There have been found several depictions of it in Crete (on frescos, figurines and seals) as well as in other regions of Greece (in Pylos and Tiryntha) and in Minor Asia (in Smyrni).[A.R.]

EXHIBITION art in progress

EXHIBITION IN ITALY: art in progress

When:  February 13th until February 28th

Where: Cava De Tirreni, Salerno

I'm participating with the paintings "the dead village behind the wall 50x70cm", "girl with coat (2) 60x60cm", "antique bowl 24x30cm", "rustic bowl 24x30cm", "the couch 40x30cm" and "the armchair 30x40cm".



The show's title is inspired by the concept of art as research continues, in the sense of a gradual definition of the style of the artist. The research on the art is progressive and it never stops, it seems that we can never find a term to define it, even in the evolution of time it looks like the process, which never finds expression to an end, always opens up new possibilities, for which the art-time is infinite and endless as are the modes of the artist to pursue his own research, which identifies him and through which he expresses his view of the world. On each stage, therefore, the definition of the artist's work  is important to be understood by his research, as every moment of art is unique.


Gabi Domenig with its figures neoespressioniste - figurative introspective Anne de Rosa - the informal works of Maria Irene Vairo - the sea with its eternal flow of Flora Malaspina , photographs solar Maranhao Leticia de Sa - Iron Elena with its suburbs metro - the magic of Anastasia Rapantzikou-Saliari.

free admission 13-28 feb (incl.)

Maria Irene Vairo - art in progress 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Athena Ergane weaver 70x60cm

Εργάνη Αθηνά υφάντρα, η θεά της σοφίας, της πολεμικής τέχνης, της αρχιτεκτονικής, των τεχνιτών και της χειροτεχνίας (εξ ου και το Εργάνη). Προστάτιδα της Αθήνας. Μυθολογικά θέματα απεικονίζονται συνήθως με ρομαντικό ρεαλισμό, εδώ προσπάθησα μία διαφορετική προσέγγιση με αφηρημένο ρεαλισμό.[Α.Ρ.]

Athena Ergane weaver, Goddess of Wisdom, Warfare, Divine Intelligence, Architecture, and Crafts (Ergane)Patron Goddess of Athens. Mythology is usually depicted with romantic realism, here I tried a different approach; abstact realism.[A.R.]